A chemical burn of eyes is a serious matter which demands immediate medical attention due to the possibility of serious damage to the eyes and even blindness. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health has reported via EurekAlert chemical eye burns which are dangerous are commonly seen in young kids. Researchers say it is often believed that working-age adults are the most at risk for this kind of serious eye injury but one and two year old children are actually at the most risk for chemical eye burns.
This study has been published in the journal JAMA Ophthalmology and highlights the need for the public to be educated about what seems to be avoidable and yet possibly permanent eye injuries. Study leader R. Sterling Haring, DO, MPH says the eyes of kids are injured primarily because they get into chemicals such as household cleaners which are not stored properly. Such serious injuries in kids are completely preventable. When chemical injuries of eyes occurs the eyes must be immediately flushed out with water because the chemicals can continue to burn into the eyes after contact is made and can result in irreparable damage to internal structures of the eyes. Every effort should be made to educate parents and others about how vitally important it is to keep household cleaners and other chemicals stored where kids can't get to them.