Friday, July 8, 2016
Adequate skin self-exams are rarely done by melanoma patients
As reported by the Skin Cancer Foundation melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Melanoma is caused primarily by intense, occasional UV exposure which frequently leads to sunburn, particularly in those who are genetically predisposed to this disease. An estimated 10,130 people in the United States are killed annually by melanoma. Yet as reported by MD News a new study has found that
thorough skin self-exams are rare among patients with melanoma. Patients with melanoma often lack the knowledge or confidence to perform regular skin self-exams which are effective. Such self-exams are however important because after a diagnosis of melanoma patients are at risk of recurrence for 10 years or more and they have a ninefold greater risk of developing a primary melanoma than someone who has never been diagnosed with melanoma. Yet many patients actually lack an awareness about the need for skin self-exams. And many patients have never had adequate guidance on how to perform these self exams. It is important to encourage melanoma patients to do regular skin self exams. These self exams are vital for early detection of melanoma. There is a better prognosis with early detection and treatment. Patients should be advised routine physician visits do not decrease a patients’ need to be vigilant.